Recruitment Learnings

Is passion “a critical must-have” for a career in games recruitment?


Dreaming of a career in gaming recruitment? Before you dive in, ask yourself: Why in gaming? Why not in the generic “software” area, to work on products like WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc… If your complete and honest answer includes “I’ve been a gamer since childhood, this is my passion!” you’re on the right track.

Gaming Industry

The gaming industry is more than a job; it’s a journey fueled by childhood memories and the emotions games evoke. If terms like StarCraft, Half-Life, Age of Empires, Warcraft, or Diablo trigger sweet nostalgia, you’re not alone. These games are the heartbeats of our industry, and millions of professionals, like you, are nostalgic when they see those titles.

As a recruiter in this industry, you have to stay up-to-date with the title launches, and at Tailed Method, we have explained this in detail here: How to stay industry-relevant.

Begin your journey


So, let’s embark with passion on a journey that started in your childhood, and go to our present days.

Have you ever played Baldur’s Gate 3 from start to finish? If not, perhaps it’s time to start that adventure (or at least go on YouTube and watch someone doing that).

Why passion?

Now, let’s consider the positive impact that this job can bring to you. Imagine discussing job opportunities with candidates who share your gaming passion. The connection and understanding you bring to the conversation can leave a lasting impression. Candidates will feel seen, heard, and valued, creating a confident and positive recruitment experience. P.S. You can even find a new “partner” for your online games!

The know-how

Most of the time, when a recruiter shows “knowledge” further than a standard question-based discussion, the candidate will feel good during the interview, and it will remain with a nice memory about the recruiter, and everyone wants that!

Individual preferences

Many of the individuals who are working in this industry are gamers, with different preferences in game genres. Some appreciate RPGs, others Car Racing / Simulation games, and others want casual games.

And we are not even starting the eternal war between PC and Console Players! Now add the new mobile trend into the equation + the fact that as a recruiter, you have to understand both the “players” which are represented by your potential candidates, and the companies, who want the roles closed 2 days ago, and you start to understand why passion is crucial here.

Without passion, you will not understand in what department that specific “candidate” will thrive in your company, and this can end up in that person’s resignation, and in losing money for your company. Starting again the recruitment process is costly, and besides that, no recruiter ever wants to do lots of sourcing!


Maybe you’ve heard that this industry has a “special” rhythm, and people tend to leave it faster than the other industries. This is true, but it doesn’t mean it is bad. People often tend to have the impression that working in games, is just “playing games all day”, and that “everyone can do that”. This ends in professionals joining without a passion for the domain. Soon after that, their impressions are beaten up by reality, and the “impostor syndrome” takes them by surprise, with only one result: departure to other industries.

See? If you do not know any game, you won’t thrive here, and frustration is the worst enemy that a professional can have.

Yes, saying that emotions are an important factor here might sound intense, but someone had to say it.

Emotions drive this industry’s profitability, and passion is what keeps it alive!

Tailed Method

Final touch

You can also check the Game Industry Career Guide Website, to see the answer to: “How can I start my career as a video game industry recruiter?”

After everything written here, are you still considering a career in gaming recruitment? Let your passion guide you, and you will succeed!

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