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Have inquiries about personal growth, success strategies, or the Tailed Method? Feel free to reach out! Your ideas hold significance, and I’m genuinely interested in connecting with you, guiding you towards unlocking your potential on this journey.


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Frequently asked questions

My blog posts will always be free. There is no fee required to read them. And NO ADS!

If you want, these are the methods that you can use to support my work:

– donations.
– buy the products (coming soon!)
– promote TM in your network (share the blog posts)
– subscribe to the newsletter

Hehe, why no ads, you ask? Well, it’s simple! I want this place to be about helping everyone without any distractions. Ads can be pretty annoying, right? I want your experience here to be as awesome as possible, so no ads—it’s all about focusing on you and your journey!

If AI brings value and aligns with the writer’s intended path without imposing changes, it could be a useful tool, much like gathering information to support our objectives.

Yes, I am part of affiliate programs. Much like gathering information from diverse sources, some of the resources I use for learning and creating have affiliate links, contributing to my progress.

Yes, however, these are paid services, outside the scope of Tailed Method.

You can write a message at and we will discuss a personalized offer, based on your needs

Courses? Nah, not my style! But I’m cookin’ up something better—Books! I’m working hard to make sure you get the best info in a book!

Subjects often arise from personal experiences and observations in my life. They serve as primary inspirations. Moreover, books, social networking platforms, and YouTube act as supplementary sources, depending on the relevance to the subject matter.

Yes, it is hard. Nothing in this life is truly easy.

If you dream about this, do not give up, even if you might not get it right away! Keep trying!

Remember: when you give up, your dreams and everything else, they’re gone!